Transform yourself, transform your workplace.

Transformational leadership programs empowering high-growth leaders to be the best you can be and achieve more than you thought possible.


Change the entire paradigm by seeing your business as the ultimate meditation and avenue for awakening your potential.

Amari Om offers transformational leadership & business coaching programs to help leaders realize their full potential by learning to control the mind. Amari Om techniques incorporate meditation, mantra, breathing, and self analysis. What you get is the most impactful and easy-to-practice method that can actually transform your life, and in turn, your business. In just minutes a day, the Amari Om Method profoundly transforms how you think, perform, grow, and shape the world around you.

Within our INNERMOST CORE is a TRUTH revealed ONLY when the MIND IS CALM.

Call it our true self, our best self, our innate essence

it is something everyone has, yet we all struggle to align with.

We can teach you how to not only transcend the mind, but how to work effectively with the mind, tap into your innate intuition, and higher states of intelligence. Through the Amari Om Method, you can discover new facets of your potential and can experience:

+ Access to a place of extraordinary creativity, innovation, and execution

+ Optimized cognitive performance capabilities to get more done in less time

+ Access natural body intelligence including the ability to heal & maintain health levels

+ Reduced stress, anxiety, and improved deep sleep

+ Enhanced work performance, productivity, and human-centered leadership

+ Improved connection between analytical side (critical mind) and intuitive side (creative mind)

+ Enhance decision making capabilities, see answers to challenges more quickly

+ Improved clarity and compassion in service of others


A 5 Step Transformational Leadership Program

What you get is the most impactful and easy-to-practice method that can actually transform your life and your business. The proprietary program consists of meditation, mantra, breathing and self-analysis techniques using a blended approach of one-on-one coaching, meditation practices, and tools to support lasting change, quickly and effectively.

Ultimately, when you tap into the VERY SOURCE OF FULFILLMENT INSIDE YOU, this has a profound ability to change the COURSE OF YOUR LIFE.

How We Got Here

Amari Om was founded by Annie Winger, a seasoned entrepreneur and business leader looking for a better way to live, a better way to be. Throughout her career as a high achiever, Annie always used her intuition, trusting the still, small voice she heard inside. Each one of us has that inner voice that seeks to guide us. The trick is learning how to really listen, and how to distinguish between the universe’s guiding hand and the mental chatter of the mind. And the best, easiest, and fastest way to do this is how the Amari Om Method was created.

Amari Om was guided by this intuition. Something to make the world a better place,

one person at a time.

Take your life and your business to the next level.